two pointers
sliding window
BinarySearch 0677 Most Occurring Number After K Increments
Problem statement
The idea is to sort array, and then use sliding window approach to extend right end or shrink left. We extend until we can: that is last value in window multiplied by number of elements minus sum of values in window is <= k
It is O(n log n)
for time and O(n)
for space.
class Solution:
def solve(self, A, k):
A = sorted(A)
n = len(A)
beg, end, sm = 0, 0, A[0]
ans = (0, 0)
while end < n and beg < n:
if end + 1 < n and A[end + 1]*(end - beg + 2) - (sm + A[end + 1]) <= k:
end += 1
sm += A[end]
ans = max(ans, (end - beg + 1, -A[end]))
sm -= A[beg]
beg += 1
return -ans[1]