BinarySearch 0565 Wildfire Sequel
Problem statement
The idea is to:
- First run multi-source bfs from all fires and for each cell save the time when fire will reach this place.
- Run bfs from person and allow him to only go to the cells where we do not have fire yet.
In fact we can make code compact if we use bfs
function with queue
: starting queue, check
is used for the second pass.
It is O(mn)
for time and space.
class Solution:
def solve(self, G):
m, n, queue = len(G), len(G[0]), deque()
for i,j in product(range(m), range(n)):
if G[i][j] == 2: queue.append((0, i, j))
if G[i][j] == 1: person = (i, j)
times = defaultdict(lambda: float("inf"))
def bfs(queue, check):
V = set([(x, y) for _, x, y in queue])
while queue:
dist, x, y = queue.popleft()
if check and x + y in [0, m + n - 2]: return True
if not check: times[x, y] = dist
for dx, dy in [[1,0],[-1,0],[0,1],[0,-1]]:
if 0<=x+dx<m and 0<=y+dy<n and G[x+dx][y+dy] in [0, 1] and (x+dx, y+dy) not in V:
if check and dist >= times[x+dx, y+dy]: continue
V.add((x + dx, y + dy))
queue.append((dist + 1, x+dx, y+dy))
return False
bfs(queue, False)
return bfs(deque([(0,) + person]), True)