Problem statement


Similar to Leetcode 0221 Maximal Square, here dp(i, j) again is the size of largest square with left upper corner in (i, j).


It is O(mn) for time and space.


class Solution:
    def solve(self, M):
        m, n = len(M[0]), len(M)
        def dp(i, j):
            if i < 0 or j < 0: return 0
            if len(set([M[i][j], M[i][j-1], M[i-1][j], M[i-1][j-1]])) != 1: return 1
            return min(dp(i-1, j), dp(i, j-1), dp(i-1, j-1)) + 1
        return max(dp(i, j) for i, j in product(range(n), range(m)))