monotonic deque
sliding window
BinarySearch 0409 Smallest Sublist Sum at Least Target
Problem statement
Solution 1
Equal to Leetcode 0862 Shortest Subarray with Sum at Least K.
It is O(n)
for time and space.
class Solution:
def solve(self, A, K):
n = len(A)
B = [0] + list(accumulate(A))
d = deque()
res = n + 1
for i in range(n + 1):
while d and B[i] - K >= B[d[0]]: res = min(res, i - d.popleft())
while d and B[i] <= B[d[-1]]: d.pop()
return res if res <= n else -1
Solution 2
Alternative way is to use heaps, we will keep pairs (prefix sum, index)
in heap. Also we delete elements from heap if we have sum >= K
, for this indexes we can be sure that we look for the shortest window: after this end can only be increased.
It is O(n log n)
for time and O(n)
for space.
class Solution:
def shortestSubarray(self, A, K):
pq, sm, ans = [(0, -1)], 0, float("inf")
for i, n in enumerate(A):
sm += n
while pq and sm - K >= pq[0][0]:
ans = min(ans, i - heappop(pq)[1])
heapq.heappush(pq, (sm, i))
return ans if ans < float("inf") else -1