Problem statement

Solution 1

Let us evaluate cumulative sums for arrays, then what is asked to find is the longest common subsequene. Also values are different in cumulative sums, so we can use problem Leetcode 1713 Minimum Operations to Make a Subsequence, which uses LIS problem.


It is O(n log n) for time and space.


class Solution:
    def solve(self, l0, l1):
        A0 = list(accumulate(l0))
        A1 = list(accumulate(l1))
        if A0[-1] != A1[-1]: return -1

        d = {x:i for i, x in enumerate(A0)}
        A = [d[x] for x in A1 if x in d]

        dp = [10**10] * (len(A) + 1)
        for elem in A: 
            dp[bisect_left(dp, elem)] = elem  
        return dp.index(10**10)

Solution 2

In fact, after we evaluate cumulative sums, we can check the length of intersection.


It is O(n) for time and O(n) for space.


class Solution:
    def solve(self, l0, l1):
        acc0 = list(accumulate(l0))
        acc1 = list(accumulate(l1))
        if acc0[-1] != acc1[-1]:return -1
        return len(set(acc0) & set(acc1))