linked list
BinarySearch 0176 Reverse Linked List Groups
Problem statement
Equal to Leetcode 0025. Reverse Nodes in k-Group, but be careful about the last group, it is not said in problem description what we need to do with it.
It is O(n)
for time and O(1)
for space.
class Solution:
def solve(self, head, k):
dummy = LLNode(0)
dummy.next = head
cur, nxt, pre = dummy, dummy, dummy
cnt = 0
while cur.next:
cnt += 1
cur = cur.next
while cnt > 0:
cur = new = pre.next
nxt = cur.next
for _ in range(min(k, cnt) - 1):
tmp = nxt.next
nxt.next = cur
cur = nxt
nxt = tmp
pre.next = cur
new.next = nxt
pre = new
cnt -= k
return dummy.next