Problem statement


Let us on each step split array into two parts of equal size. For example if length is equal to 7, we split is as 3 - 1 - 3 and if it is 6, we split as 3 - 3. If it happen, that answer for query is 0, it means that element we are looking for is in the middle, in opposite case we choose one of the parts.


It is O(log n) for time and O(1) for space.


class Solution:
    def getIndex(self, rd):
        beg, end = 0, rd.length() - 1
        while beg < end:
            ln = (end - beg + 1)//2
            query = rd.compareSub(beg, beg + ln - 1, end - ln + 1, end)
            if query == 0: return beg + ln
            if query == -1:
                beg = end - ln + 1
                end = beg + ln - 1
        return end

1538 Guess the Majority in a Hidden Array

[array, math, interactive]


The idea is that in O(1) we can check for any two elements if they are equal or not. Let us do it for pairs [0, 1], [1, 2], …, [n-2, n-1]. And recunstruct array arr - notice that it is reconstructed uniquily with espect of swap of all elements. Then we find majority element.


We do 2n - 2 queries and we have O(n) time and space complexity.


class Solution:
    def guessMajority(self, reader):
        n = reader.length()
        arr = [0]
        for x in range(0, n-1):
            att1 = sorted([(x-3)%n, (x-2)%n, (x-1)%n, x])
            att2 = sorted([(x-3)%n, (x-2)%n, (x-1)%n, x+1])
            t1 = reader.query(*att1)
            t2 = reader.query(*att2)
            arr += [arr[-1]] if t1 == t2 else [1 - arr[-1]]
        sm = sum(arr)
        return arr.index(0) if sm*2 < n else arr.index(1) if sm*2 > n else -1


We can do only n queries in the way [0,1,2,3], [0,1,2,4], [0,1,2,5], ..., [0,1,2,n-1] and [0,1,3,4], [0,2,3,4], [1,2,3,4] so we can recover all values. Space complexity can be reduced to O(1), if we use voting.

Moreover there is solution with n//2 + 4 steps I think