It is quite classical problem, where you need to use the idea of topological sort. As I already have code for topological sort, I reuse it here.

See Problem 0207. Course Schedule for more details about how it works.

In this problem, let us solve it in two steps:

  1. Check if we have loops, using topological sort, and if we do not have, return -1. immedietly.
  2. Usy dynamic programming to find the longest path in our graph, it is what in fact we asked.


Time complexity is O(E + V) for both steps, space complexity is the same to keep Graph and Visaited.


class Solution:
    def minimumSemesters(self, n, relations):
        def dfs(start):
            if Visited[start] == 1:
                self.FoundCycle = 1           # loop is found
            if Visited[start] == 0:           # node is not visited yet, visit it
                Visited[start] = 1            # color current node as gray
                for neib in Graph[start]:     # visit all its neibours
                Visited[start] = 2            # color current node as black
        Graph = defaultdict(set)
        for i, j in relations:

        Visited = [0] * (n+1)
        self.FoundCycle = 0
        for i in range(n):
            if self.FoundCycle == 1: return -1
            if Visited[i] == 0: dfs(i)
        def dp(node):
            return max([dp(i) + 1 for i in Graph[node]] or [1])
        return max(dp(i) for i in range(1, n+1))

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