Leetcode 1028. Recover a Tree From Preorder Traversal
Problem statement
First, let us parse our string: we split it with -
and keep d
is depth. We will kieep in vals
pairs value, depth
Then we use stack to simulate our process:
- While depth of current node is not equal to the top of stack + 1, that it is not children, we remove it from stack.
- Create node.
- Increase number of visited children for topf of the stack by one.
- If we have only one visited children, attach it to the left, in the opposite case to the right.
- Add this new node to stack.
It is O(n)
for time and space, where n
is the total length of s
class Solution:
def recoverFromPreorder(self, S):
vals, d, ind = [], 0, 1
for elem in S.split("-"):
if elem != "": vals.append([int(elem), d])
d = 1 if elem != "" else d + 1
root = TreeNode(vals[0][0])
stack = [[root, 0, 0]] #node, level, visited_children
for ind in range(1, len(vals)):
while vals[ind][1] != stack[-1][1] + 1: stack.pop()
Node = TreeNode(vals[ind][0])
stack[-1][2] += 1
if stack[-1][2] == 1:
stack[-1][0].left = Node
stack[-1][0].right = Node
stack.append([Node, vals[ind][1], 0])
return root