Problem statement


The idea here is to use list of size k and modulo arithmetic. Let self.CircQueue be this list, fill it with -1 in the beginning and also keep two values self.front which points one element after front element and self.end which points at the end element. For example when we have [-1, -1, 2, 3, 4, -1 elements in our list, it means that self.end = 2 and self.front = 5. Let us go through operations quickly:

1.enQueue: first check if our data structure is full and if it is return False. In opposite case decrease self.end and put new element.

2.deQueue: first check if our data structure is empty and if it is return False. In opposite case decrease self.front and remove one element, that is make it equal to -1.

3.Front is similar to deQueue, but just return one element before front.

4.Rear is similar to enQueue, but just return element with index end.

5.isEmpty just check if front is equal to end.

6.isFull just check that in total we have k elements: end - front.


Time complexity of all operations is O(1). Space complexity of total data structure is O(k).


class MyCircularQueue:
    def __init__(self, k):
        self.CircQueue = [-1]*k
        self.k, self.front, self.end = k, 0, 0
    def enQueue(self, value):
        if self.isFull(): return False
        self.end -= 1
        self.CircQueue[self.end % self.k] = value
        return True

    def deQueue(self):
        if self.isEmpty(): return False
        self.front -= 1
        self.CircQueue[self.front % self.k] = -1
        return True

    def Front(self):
        if self.isEmpty(): return -1
        return self.CircQueue[(self.front - 1) % self.k]     

    def Rear(self):
        if self.isEmpty(): return -1
        return self.CircQueue[self.end % self.k]      

    def isEmpty(self):
        return self.front == self.end
    def isFull(self):
        return self.front - self.end == self.k

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