Problem statement


You probably saw a lot of different solutions for this problem, but I can guess, that you did not saw this one. The idea is here is to use generating functions. Imagine, that we have coins 1, 2, 5. Let us create polynomial (x^1 + x^2 + x^5). Now, let us consider powers of this polynom. For example:

  1. (x^1 + x^2 + x^5)^ 1 = (x^1 + x^2 + x^5), nothing very intersting here.
  2. (x^1 + x^2 + x^5)^2 = x^2 + x^3 + x^6 + x^3 + x^4 + x^8 + x^6 + x^7 + x^10. What we have here. For example we can see that there is only one way to get target 2, because coefficient will be equal to 1 before x^2, there is 2 ways to get 6 and so on.
  3. In general if we have (x^1 + x^2 + x^5)^k, then coefficients will show us how many ways we can get one or another target, using exactly k coins.

Now, we can use problem restrictions: that is that answer will always be less than 2^32, so if we use x = 2^32 and will work with operations in 2^32 base system, everything will be fine. Also we use python long numbers, which is very helpful here.

  1. Create T is our polynomial with x = 2^32.
  2. Define S = 1 and ans = 0.
  3. Iterate over powers of T. Each time we multiply S by T. However we do not want to have too big numbers, so we use & (1<<(32*t+32)) - 1, trick, which will give us last t + 1 digits in 2^32 base system.
  4. Update our answer: this is value S >> (32*t), that is value of t-th digit in our 2^32 base system.


It is a bit difficult to estimate it like this, but on each operation and we have t of them we will work with number which have no more than O(32m) bits, where m is the biggest number among nums. So, total time complexity will be O(32*m*t), space complexity is O(32*m). However in practice it works quite fast.


class Solution:
    def combinationSum4(self, nums, t):
        T = sum([1<<(32*n) for n in nums])
        S, ans = 1, 0
        for i in range(t):
            S = (S*T) & (1<<(32*t+32)) - 1
            ans += S >> (32*t)
        return ans