linked list
two pointers
Leetcode 0328 Odd Even Linked List
Problem statement
Classical Linked Lists problem, where we need to keep several pointers: head0
and head1
for head of odd and even sublists, these ones we do not change. We also keep curr
and nnext
pointers, which we going to update: curr.next = nnext.next, curr = nnext, nnext = curr.next
. We also evaluate number of steps (parity of it) were made to sew lists in the end.
Time complexity is O(n)
, space complexity is O(1)
, because we did not create new objects, but reconnect already existing.
class Solution:
def oddEvenList(self, head):
if not head or not head.next or not head.next.next: #length <=2
return head
curr = head0 = head
nnext = head1 = head.next
steps = 0
while nnext.next:
curr.next = nnext.next
curr = nnext
nnext = curr.next
steps += 1
if steps % 2 == 1:
curr.next = nnext.next
nnext.next = head1
curr.next = head1
return head0