Problem statement


Straightforward solution is to compare each pair of words. We can use the fact that each word has only letters from a to z and for each word what is matter if it has some letter or not. Let d[word] be bitmask of word. For example for word aaabe we will have mask ...10011, here I for simplicity show only the last part, all other elements are zero. We have 1 in the end, because we have a in our word, we have 1 as next elements, because we have b, then we have 0, because we do not have c and so on. So, the whole algorithm can be separated into two stages:

  1. Compute all masks for all words, we will use d[word] |= 1<<(ord(l) - 97) for this, where 97 is code of symbol a. Also we use | (or) here to update zero-elements, but if we have one-elements, they will not change.
  2. For every pair of words check if d[w1] & d[w2] == 0, this is condition that pair of words will not have any intersections and update our ans if they not.


Time complexity is O(n*s) + O(n^2), where s is the average length of word and n is number of words. Space complexity is O(n).


class Solution:
    def maxProduct(self, words):
        d, ans = defaultdict(int), 0
        for word in words:
            for l in word:
                d[word] |= 1<<(ord(l) - 97)
        for w1, w2 in combinations(d.keys(), 2):
            if d[w1] & d[w2] == 0: 
                ans = max(ans, len(w1)*len(w2))
        return ans