Leetcode 0265. Paint House II
Problem statement
Let dp[i][j]
be the minimum cost to paint houses upto number i
such that last house has color j
. Then dp[i][j]
= $\min\limits_{k\neq j}$ dp[i-1][k] + costs[i][j]
. To be able to update this in $O(1)$ we need to keep two smallest cells from $i-1$-the column of our table, which can be done in $O(k)$ time.
Time complexity is $O(nk)$, space complexity can be done in $O(k)$, if we use only last row of matrix, as I did in the following code.
class Solution:
def minCostII(self, costs):
n, k = len(costs), len(costs[0])
if k == 1 and n == 1: return costs[0][0]
dp = [0]*k
for cost in costs:
dp_new = [0]*k
min_ind = dp.index(min(dp))
for i in range(k):
if i != min_ind:
dp_new[i] = dp[min_ind] + cost[i]
dp_new[i] = min(dp[i] for i in range(k) if i != min_ind) + cost[i]
dp = dp_new
return min(dp)