Let us use two pointers approach here: slow pointer and fast pointer, where slow will always be less or equal to fast. We are asked to remove duplicates only if we have more 2 of them, so we start with slow and fast equal to 2.

Then we iterate through our data and check if nums[slow - 2] == nums[fast]: what does it mean? It means, that in fact nums[slow-2] = ... = nums[fast] and that we already have group of 3 or more equal elements: it this case we understand, that slow place should be rewritten with something else from future, so we do not move it. In other case, we have group of 2 or smaller, so we need to move slow pointer to right. In any case we move fast pointer one place to the right.

Complexity: time complexity is O(n), we move our two pointers only in one direction. Space complexity is O(1): we do it in-place as asked.

Note also, that this can be easily adjacted if you asked to have not 2 duplicates, but k: in this case we just need to change all 3 occurences of 2 to k.

class Solution:
    def removeDuplicates(self, nums):
		if len(nums) < 2: return len(nums)
        slow, fast = 2, 2

        while fast < len(nums):
            if nums[slow - 2] != nums[fast]:
                nums[slow] = nums[fast]
                slow += 1
            fast += 1
        return slow

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