We can just split our string, remove all extra spaces and return length of the last word, however we need to spend O(n) time for this, where n is length of our string. There is a simple optimization: let us traverse string from the end and:

  1. find the last element of last word: traverse from the end and find first non-space symbol.
  2. continue traverse and find first space symbol (or beginning of string)
  3. return end - beg.

Complexity: is O(m), where m is length of part from first symbol of last word to the end. Space complexity is O(1).

class Solution:
    def lengthOfLastWord(self, s):
        end = len(s) - 1
        while end > 0 and s[end] == " ": end -= 1
        beg = end
        while beg >= 0 and s[beg] != " ": beg -= 1
        return end - beg

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