two pointers
Leetcode 0016 3Sum Closest
Problem statement
Similar to the previous problem, also 2 pointers idea. Now, instead of looking for sums equal to target
, we perform 2 Pointers and look for sums which are around target
, that is if sum becomes bigger than target
we move end pointer and in opposite case we move beg pointer.
Time complexity is $O(n^2)$, space is $O(1)$.
class Solution:
def threeSumClosest(self, nums, target):
n, ans = len(nums), float("inf")
for i in range(n):
beg, end = i + 1, n - 1
while beg < end:
sm = nums[beg] + nums[end] + nums[i]
ans = min(ans, sm, key = lambda x: abs(x - target))
if sm <= target:
beg += 1
elif sm > target:
end -= 1
return ans
There are couple of optimization to make it work faster: if ans == target: break
before the last return statement, and not using lambda functions to get min.