Problem statement


This segment tree will support two operations:

  1. Set element i equal to v.
  2. Find maximum sum of subarray of original array (in fact we can answer this question for all subarrays, not only for original one) we will keep tuple (seg, pref, suf, sum) for each node

Use fast IO to get AC on PyPy27


It is O(n) for build and O(log n) for set and calc.


class SegmentTree:
    def __init__(self, n, arr, ZERO):
        self.size = 1
        while self.size < n:
            self.size *= 2
        self.T = [ZERO] * (2 * self.size - 1)  # now we keep pair (min, count of min)
        self.arr = arr
        self.ZERO = ZERO  # neutral element

    def combine(self, a, b):
        return max(a[0], b[0], a[2] + b[1]), max(a[1], a[3] + b[1]), max(b[2], b[3] + a[2]), a[3] + b[3]

    def one_element(self, x):
        return max(x, 0), max(x, 0), max(x, 0), x

    def _build(self, x, lx, rx):
        if rx - lx == 1:
            if lx < len(self.arr):
                self.T[x] = self.one_element(self.arr[lx])  # segment with one element
            mx = (lx + rx) // 2
            self._build(2 * x + 1, lx, mx)
            self._build(2 * x + 2, mx, rx)
            self.T[x] = self.combine(self.T[2 * x + 1], self.T[2 * x + 2])

    def build(self):
        self._build(0, 0, self.size)

    def _set(self, i, v, x, lx, rx):
        if rx - lx == 1:
            self.T[x] = self.one_element(v)
        mx = (lx + rx) // 2
        if i < mx:
            self._set(i, v, 2 * x + 1, lx, mx)
            self._set(i, v, 2 * x + 2, mx, rx)
        self.T[x] = self.combine(self.T[2 * x + 1], self.T[2 * x + 2])

    def set(self, i, v):
        self._set(i, v, 0, 0, self.size)

    def _calc(self, l, r, x, lx, rx):
        if l >= rx or lx >= r:
            return self.ZERO
        if lx >= l and rx <= r:
            return self.T[x]
        mx = (lx + rx) // 2
        s1 = self._calc(l, r, 2 * x + 1, lx, mx)
        s2 = self._calc(l, r, 2 * x + 2, mx, rx)
        return self.combine(s1, s2)

    def calc(self, l, r):
        return self._calc(l, r, 0, 0, self.size)

if __name__ == '__main__':
    n, m = [int(i) for i in input().split()]
    arr = [int(i) for i in input().split()]
    STree = SegmentTree(n, arr, (0, 0, 0, 0))
    print(STree.T[0][0])  # we can make calc instead

    for i in range(m):
        t = [int(i) for i in input().split()]
        STree.set(t[0], t[1])
        print(STree.T[0][0])  # we can make calc instead