segment tree
binary indexed tree
graph algo
Codeforces contest 0652
Problem A statement
Just simulate process carefully, we have several options here.
Time complexity is O(h)
, it can be made O(1)
with direct formulaes.
I = lambda: [int(i) for i in input().split()]
h1, h2 = I()
a, b = I()
if h1 + 8 * a >= h2:
if b >= a:
h1 += (8 * a - 12 * b)
i = 0
while True:
if i % 2 == 0:
h1 += 12 * a
h1 -= 12 * b
if h1 >= h2:
print(i//2 + 1)
i += 1
Problem B statement
We can just sort and then put big elements on odd places and small on even places. Or we can do it in O(n)
with one path.
I = lambda: [int(i) for i in input().split()]
n = int(input())
nums = I()
nums[:2] = sorted(nums[:2])
for i in range(1, n - 1):
nums[i:i+2] = sorted(nums[i:i+2])[::(1-2*(i%2))]
print(" ".join(str(x) for x in nums))
Problem C statement
[greedy, accumulate]
The idea is the following: for every left end x
find the smallest right end y
, such that (x, y)
are enemies. Then we go from the end and calculate cumulative minimums.
It is O(n + m)
for time and O(n)
for space.
I = lambda: [int(i) for i in input().split()]
import sys
input = sys.stdin.readline
n, m = I()
arr = I()
P = {x - 1: i for i, x in enumerate(arr)}
ends = [n + 1]*n
for x in range(m):
a, b = I()
ap, bp = P[a-1], P[b-1]
ap, bp = min(ap, bp), max(ap, bp)
ends[ap] = min(bp + 1, ends[ap])
for x in range(n - 2, -1, -1):
ends[x] = min(ends[x], ends[x + 1])
print(sum([ends[x] - x - 1 for x in range(n)]))
Problem D statement
[segment tree, binary indexed tree, sort]
One way to solve this problem is to use segment trees. First of all, let us create array in the form 4 3 3 1 2 1 2 4
, where we have 1, ..., n
repeated twice. Then the idea is the following: go from the left to the right and
- if we meet start of segment, save it
- if we meet end of segment, set start of this segment as 1 and calculate number of ones inside.
It is O(n log n)
for time and O(n)
for space.
class SegmentTree:
def __init__(self, n):
self.size = 1
while self.size < n:
self.size *= 2
self.T = [0] * (2 * self.size - 1)
def _set(self, i, v, x, lx, rx):
if rx - lx == 1:
self.T[x] = v
mx = (lx + rx) // 2
if i < mx:
self._set(i, v, 2 * x + 1, lx, mx)
self._set(i, v, 2 * x + 2, mx, rx)
self.T[x] = self.T[2 * x + 1] + self.T[2 * x + 2]
def set(self, i, v):
self._set(i, v, 0, 0, self.size)
def _sum(self, l, r, x, lx, rx):
if l >= rx or lx >= r:
return 0
if lx >= l and rx <= r:
return self.T[x]
mx = (lx + rx) // 2
s1 = self._sum(l, r, 2 * x + 1, lx, mx)
s2 = self._sum(l, r, 2 * x + 2, mx, rx)
return s1 + s2
def sum(self, l, r):
return self._sum(l, r, 0, 0, self.size)
import io, os, sys
input = io.BytesIO(,os.fstat(0).st_size)).readline
P = []
back = {}
n = int(input())
for i in range(n):
x, y = [int(t) for t in input().split()]
P += [x, y]
back[x] = i
back[y] = i
arr = [back[i] + 1 for i in sorted(P)]
ans = [0]*n
d = {}
STree = SegmentTree(2*n)
for i, num in enumerate(arr):
if num not in d:
d[num] = i
start = d[num]
ans[num-1] = STree.sum(start+1, i)
STree.set(start, 1)
print(" ".join(str(x) for x in ans))
Problem E statement
[graph, graph algo, dfs]
Solution can be separated into 3 parts:
- Find all bridges in our graph, using Tarjan algorithm with dfs.
- Find any simple path from Pavel to trader, using simple dfs.
- Now, delete all bridges from our set of bridges, which we have in our path from Pavel to trader, call the set cleaned bridges. Create new graph, where we deleted all cleaned bridges. Then run dfs once again and check what edges can be reached in new graph: if any of these edges have artefact, return True, in the opposite case return False.
It is (V + E)
, because we traverse our graph 3 times. May be we can decrease number of traversal, but it is fast enough to get AC. Also we need bootstrap for recursion to make it faster (or rewrite recursive dfs to iterative, which takes more time).
from collections import defaultdict
import io, os, sys
input = io.BytesIO(, os.fstat(0).st_size)).readline
I = lambda: [int(i) for i in input().split()]
G = defaultdict(list)
n, m = I()
edges = {}
for _ in range(m):
x, y, w = I()
G[x-1] += [(y-1, w)]
G[y-1] += [(x-1, w)]
edges[x-1, y-1] = w
#### part 1: bridges
used, tin, fup = [0] * n, [-1] * n, [-1] * n
timer, br = [0], set()
def dfs0(node, par=-1):
used[node] = 1
tin[node] = fup[node] = timer[0] + 1
timer[0] += 1
for child, _ in G[node]:
if child == par: continue
if used[child] == 1:
fup[node] = min(fup[node], tin[child])
yield dfs0(child, node)
fup[node] = min(fup[node], fup[child])
if fup[child] > tin[node]: br.add((node, child))
for i in range(n):
if not used[i]: dfs0(i)
#### part 2: path from pavel to trader
V, par = set(), {}
def dfs(node):
for child, _ in G[node]:
if child in V: continue
par[child] = node
yield dfs(child)
a, b = I()
dfs(a - 1)
path, last = [b - 1], b - 1
while last != a - 1:
last = par[last]
path += [last]
### part 3: new graph and dfs again
for x, y in zip(path, path[1:]):
br.discard((x, y))
br.discard((y, x))
G2 = defaultdict(list)
for x, y in edges:
w = edges[x, y]
if (x, y) in br or (y, x) in br: continue
G2[x] += [(y, w)]
G2[y] += [(x, w)]
ans = [False]
V2 = set()
def dfs2(node):
for child, w in G2[node]:
if w == 1: ans[0] = True
if child in V2: continue
yield dfs2(child)
dfs2(a - 1)
print("YES" if ans[0] else "NO")
Problem F statement
[math, sort]
The are two obsevations:
- We can assume that ants go through one another, then we can calculate positions of all antes, however we do not know which one is which.
- Relative positions of ants will not change. However we still have
possible options how ants can arrive. -
One way to understand the final order is to track for example
-th ant. However we can evaluate shift with direct formula: for each ant we evaluatew = divmod(a[i] + t * dr, m)
is number of full rotates it will make if it go through all other ants. It happen that shift is number of full rotates for all ants. - Let sorted starting positions be
p_1, ..., p_n
. - We can calculate final positions. Let them be
q_1, ..., q_n
(also sorted). - Let’s calculate total (oriented) speed
of ants. It’s some number in[-n, n]
. After multiplying it byt
we will have total (oriented) movement. - Let’s calculate offset
between starting and final position(q_1 - p_1) + ... + (q_n - p_n)
. - Proposal:
(S * t - O)
is divisible bym
. To prove it w eneed to recall howq_i
was calculated. - Let offset
(S * t - O) / m
. Then ant that was onp_1
position on start will be on positionq_(1 + offset)
on finish.
It is O(n log n)
for time and O(n)
for space.
import sys
input = sys.stdin.readline
n, m, t = [int(i) for i in input().split()]
a, b, ans, cnt = [0]*n, [0]*n, [0]*n, 0
for i in range(n):
x, ch = input().split()
a[i] = int(x) - 1
b[i] = (a[i], i)
dr = 1 if ch == "R" else -1
w, u = divmod(a[i] + t * dr, m)
a[i], cnt = u, cnt + w
a, b = sorted(a), sorted(b)
for i in range(n):
ans[b[i][1]] = a[(i + cnt) % n]+1
print(" ".join(str(x) for x in ans))