hash table
Codeforces contest 0612
Problem A statement
[math, string]
Problem constraints allow us to use almost bruteforce. We need to solve in integer number equation p*x + q*y = n
for given p, q, n
. After we solve, carefully cut string into parts.
It is O(n)
, because we need to cut our string in any case.
n, p, q = [int(i) for i in input().split()]
s = input().rstrip()
def solve(s, p, q, n):
for x in range(100):
if n - p*x >= 0 and (n - p*x) % q == 0:
y = (n - p*x)//q
part1 = [s[i*p:i*p+p] for i in range(x)]
part2 = [s[p*x + i*q: p*x + i*q + q] for i in range(y)]
return part1 + part2
return ["-1"]
ans = solve(s, p, q, n)
if ans[0][0] == "-":
for q in ans: print(q)
Problem B statement
[permutation, hash table]
All we need to do given original string reconstruct correct order, using dictionary. It is even simpler than problem A.
Time complexity is O(n)
as well as space complexity.
n = int(input())
arr = [int(i) for i in input().split()]
d = {x: i for i, x in enumerate(arr)}
print(sum(abs(d[i+1]-d[i]) for i in range(1, n)))
Problem C statement
[stack, brackets]
It is almost classical stack problem, each time we have closing bracket, replace it with what we have in the top of our stack. Also deal with impossibility case as we do in classical brackets problem.
It is O(n)
for time and space.
s = [i for i in input().rstrip()]
d = {"{": "}", "[": "]", "<": ">", "(": ")"}
def solve(s):
ans, stack = 0, []
for x in s:
if x in d:
stack += [x]
if not stack or stack[-1] not in d: return "Impossible"
if d[stack[-1]] != x:
ans += 1
return ans if not stack else "Impossible"
Problem D statement
[intervals, sort]
Here we use classical idea for intervals: we have two events: start of interval and end of interval. Then we sort these events and go from left to righ, each time checking taken
is counter of how many intervals we have at the moment. However in python we need to use trick to get AC: instead of keeping pairs (start, -1)
and (end, 1)
we keep only numbers 2*start
and 2*end + 1
. It allows python to make faster sort.
It is O(n log n)
import sys
input = sys.stdin.buffer.readline
I = lambda: map(int, input().split())
n, k = I()
points = []
for _ in range(n):
x, y = I()
points += [2*x]
points += [2*y+1]
taken = 0
ans = []
for x in sorted(points):
event = -1 if x % 2 == 0 else 1
if taken - event >= k and taken < k:
start = x//2
if taken == k and taken - event < k:
ans += [str(start) + " " + str(x//2)]
taken -= event
(str(len(ans)) + '\n' + '\n'.join(ans)).encode('utf-8'))
Problem E statement
[permutation, dfs, combinatorics]
Let us look at loops representation of our permutation. It happens that if we have odd cycle of length x
in p
, then we have again cycle of length x
in p^2
. If we have even cycle of length x
, then we will have cycles of length x//2, x//2
in p^2
. This solves our problem: what we do:
- Create loop representation of or permutation.
- Check for each loop length how many loops with this length we have. If we have odd length, we are allowed to have as many as we want. From each of them we can reconstruct original loop. See
12345 -> 13524
, so we put elements135
on the odd indexes and the rest on even. If we have even length of loop, we only allowed to have even number of such loops. Then we combine each pair of them to one big loop.
Time and space complexity is O(n)
. I think function perm_loop
can be written with simple dfs which will make code shorter.
import io, os, sys
input = io.BytesIO(,os.fstat(0).st_size)).readline
from collections import defaultdict
def perm_loops(x, n): # from permutation create loops, permutation eg [1, 0, 4, 2, 3]
V, ans = set(), []
for i in range(n):
if i in V: continue
q = i
ans += [[q]]
while x[q] != i:
ans[-1] += [x[q]]
q = x[q]
return ans
def loops_perm(loops, n): # from loops create permutation
ans = [0] * n
for loop in loops:
for x, y in zip(loop, loop[1:] + loop[:1]):
ans[x] = y
return ans
n = int(input())
arr = [int(i) - 1 for i in input().split()]
d_loops = defaultdict(list)
loops = perm_loops(arr, n)
for loop in loops:
d_loops[len(loop)] += [tuple(loop)]
def solve(d_loops):
ans = []
for d in d_loops:
if d % 2 == 1:
for loop in d_loops[d]:
tmp = [0]*d
tmp[::2] = loop[:d//2+1]
tmp[1::2] = loop[d//2+1:]
ans += [tmp]
if len(d_loops[d]) % 2 == 1:
return []
for i in range(len(d_loops[d])//2):
tmp = [0]*(2*d)
tmp[::2] = d_loops[d][2*i]
tmp[1::2] = d_loops[d][2*i+1]
ans += [tmp]
return ans
ans = solve(d_loops)
if ans == []:
out = loops_perm(ans, n)
print(" ".join(str(i+1) for i in out))
Problem F statement
[dp, sort]
Notice, that we need to traverse numbers layer by layer, where by layer I mean equal numbers. Imagine, that we have two layers:
x1 x2 ... xk
y1 y2 ... yl
Then how we can reach number yi
? It can be from any number xj
, we have two options:
- Go
xi -> y_{j-1}
and then traverse all numbers in layery
by clockwise direction. Then what we keep indp[yj]
state is minimum cost to reach indexyj
and also we visited all numbers with the same value. - Go
xi -> y_{j-1}
and then traverse all numbers in leyary
in counterclockwize direction. - Also it can happen that there is only one number in
layer, in this case no need to traverse it.
So, finally, what we keep in dp[p]
: It is 3
values: cost to reach this cell, such that we already visited all elements with the same value, second value is from where we go from previous layer and finally direction, it can be -1, 0, 1
Also after we did dp
, we need to restore answer. We look at last element and go back layer by layer. That is we first travere all layer and then go to element of previous layer.
It is O(n^2)
for time and space.
from collections import defaultdict
I = lambda: list(map(int, input().split()))
n, s = I()
arr = I()
d, INF = defaultdict(list), -float("inf")
dp = [(float("inf"), 0, 0)] * n
for i, x in enumerate(arr): d[x] += [i]
keys = sorted(d.keys())
dist = lambda x, y: min(abs(x - y), n - abs(x - y))
for dx, dy in zip([INF] + keys, keys):
lx = [s - 1] if dx == -float("inf") else d[dx]
ly = d[dy]
for x in lx:
addon = dp[x][0] if dx != INF else 0
if len(ly) > 1:
for dr in (-1, 1):
for y1, y2 in zip(*[ly, ly[1:] + ly[:1]][::dr]):
dp[y1] = min(dp[y1], (addon + dist(x, y2) + ((y1 - y2)*dr) % n, x, dr))
y = ly[0]
dp[y] = min(dp[y], (addon + dist(x, y), x, 0))
t = len(keys) - 1
val = min(dp[i] for i in range(n) if arr[i] == keys[t])
last = dp.index(val)
path = [last]
while t >= 0:
_, prev, dr = dp[last]
lvl = d[keys[t]]
m = len(lvl)
idx = lvl.index(last)
for i in range(1, len(lvl)):
path += [lvl[(idx - i * dr) % m]]
path += [prev]
last = prev
t -= 1
path = path[::-1]
for x, y in zip(path, path[1:]):
c1 = (y - x) % n
x = min((c1, "+"), (n - c1, "-"))
print(x[1] + str(x[0]))