Problem statement


We need to simulate the process. Because we extract elements from the middle, we need to keep structure like double linked list. Also we keep in heap values (A[i], i).


It is O(n log n) for time and O(n) for space.


class Solution:
    def solve(self, A):
        def add_heap(cur):
            if cur == -1: return
            tprv, tnxt = prv[cur], nxt[cur]
            if A[tprv] < A[cur] > A[tnxt]:
                heappush(heap, (A[cur], cur))

        n = len(A)
        if n in [0, 1]: return A
        A += [-inf]
        res, heap = [], []
        prv, nxt = {}, {}

        for i in range(n):
            prv[i] = i-1
            nxt[i] = i+1
        nxt[n-1] = -1

        for i in range(n): add_heap(i)
        while heap:
            val, i = heappop(heap)
            res += [val]
            prv[nxt[i]] = prv[i]
            nxt[prv[i]] = nxt[i]
            for cur in prv[i], nxt[i]:

        return res