binary indexed tree
BinarySearch 0522 Increasing Subsequences of Size K
Problem statement
Solution 1
Define by dp[i]
is number of subsequenes ending at A[i]
which have k
terms. Then we can increase k
bo one if we use classical O(n^2)
dp: the number of ways with k + 1
terms which end with A[j]
can be calculated as sum over all dp[i]
, where i < j
, and A[i] < A[j]
It is O(n^2 k)
for time and O(n)
for space.
class Solution:
def solve(self, A, k):
MOD, n = 10 ** 9 + 7, len(A)
dp = [1] * n
for k in range(k - 1):
dp2 = [0] * n
for j in range(n - 1, -1, -1):
for i in range(j):
if A[i] < A[j]:
dp2[j] += dp[i]
dp = [x % MOD for x in dp2]
return sum(dp) % MOD
Solution 2
There is a better solution. The trick is to keep k
binary indexed trees. We add element by element, starting from the smallest values and in dp[j][t]
we keep number of Increasing subsequences of length j
, which ends with A[t]
element. When we add each next greater element, we can use our binary indexed trees to quickly find all smaller elements, instead of O(n)
, we can do it in O(log n)
It is O(n log n k)
for time and O(n*k)
for space.
class BIT:
def __init__(self, n):
self.sums = [0] * (n+1)
def update(self, i, delta):
while i < len(self.sums):
self.sums[i] = (self.sums[i] + delta) % (10**9 + 7)
i += i & (-i)
def query(self, i):
res = 0
while i > 0:
res = (res + self.sums[i]) % (10**9 + 7)
i -= i & (-i)
return res
class Solution:
def solve(self, A, k):
n = len(A)
dp = [BIT(n) for i in range(k)]
arr = sorted([(x, i) for i, x in enumerate(A)])
d = {x: i for i, x in enumerate(sorted(A))}
for i in range(n):
idx = d[A[i]]
for j in range(k - 1):
dp[j].update(idx + 1, dp[j + 1].query(idx))
dp[k - 1].update(idx + 1, 1)
return dp[0].query(n)