connected components
BinarySearch 0544 Connect Forest
Problem statement
The idea is that we have several components and we need to:
- Find diameter and center of each component. Also find radius of component.
- Then optimal strategy is to connect centers of these components
c0, c1, ..., c_{k-1}
in the way wherec0
connected with all of the others. - How to choose
? We need to sort the radii of components in decreasing order and choose the biggest one for c0 and the rest for others. - Then there will be
types of pathes: first one is pathes inside components, that is max amongself.diams
. Second type are pathes between central componentc0
and one of the others, we have path of lengthr0 + ri + 1
in this case. Finally we have paths betweenci -> c0 -> cj
, then we haveri + rj + 2
Time complexity if O(n log n)
, because we sorted our radii. In fact we do not need to do it, we can just choose the 3
biggest and make it in O(n)
. Space complexity is O(n)
class Solution:
def solve(self, G):
V, n = set(), len(G)
self.diams = []
def dfs(node):
maxs = [-1, -1]
for neib in G[node]:
if neib in V: continue
depth = dfs(neib)
maxs = sorted(maxs + [depth])[-2:]
self.res = max(self.res, sum(maxs) + 2)
return maxs[1] + 1
for i in range(n):
self.res = 0
if i not in V:
self.diams += [self.res]
if G == [[]]: return 0
k = len(self.diams)
self.radii = sorted([(i+1)//2 for i in self.diams])[::-1]
self.ans = max(self.diams)
if k >= 2: self.ans = max(self.ans, self.radii[0] + self.radii[1] + 1)
if k >= 3: self.ans = max(self.ans, self.radii[1] + self.radii[2] + 2)
return self.ans