Problem statement


The idea is to use line sweep with index compression here. Notice, that types do not matter at all here.


It is O(n log n) for time and O(n) for space.


class Solution:
    def solve(self, I, types):
        P = sorted(set([x for x, _ in I] + [y for _, y in I]))
        d = {x:i for i, x in enumerate(P)}
        m = len(P)
        diff = [0] * (m + 1)
        for i in range(len(I)):
            x, y = d[I[i][0]], d[I[i][1]]
            diff[x] += 1
            diff[y] -= 1

        acc = list(accumulate(diff))
        ans = [[P[i], P[i+1], acc[i]] for i in range(m - 1) if acc[i]]
        return ans