Problem statement


We can notice that every square can be inscribed into some square with sides parallel to OX and OY. Moreover for square with side t, there can be (r-t)*(c-t) ways to choose this square and then t ways to incribe another square inside. Total answer is

\(\sum\limits_{t=1}^{\min(r,c)}(r-t)(c-t)t,\) which can be written in closed form, using sum of squares and sum of cubes formulae.


It is O(1) for time and space.


class Solution:
    def solve(self, r, c):
        x = min(r, c)
        return (x*(x+1)*(c*(6*r-4*x-2) - 2*r*(2*x+1) + 3*x*(x+1))//12) % (10**9 + 7)