Problem statement


Let us take horizontal ray with eqution y = y0, x <= x0 and for each side find if we have intersection with this side or not. What we need to know is how many intersectoins we have: odd or even.


It is O(n) for time and O(1) for space.


class Solution:
    def solve(self, P, x0, y0):
        n, ins = len(P), 0

        for i in range(n):
            P1, P2 = P[i], P[(i + 1) % n]
            if P1[1] > P2[1]: P1, P2 = P2, P1
            if not P1[1] < y <= P2[1]: continue
            if (y0 - P1[1]) * (P2[0] - P1[0]) < (x0 - P1[0]) * (P2[1] - P1[1]): 
                ins = 1 - ins

        return bool(ins)


I am not 100 percent sure, that all border cases are considered in this solution.